Tag Archives: Health Care Town Hall

Guns & Protests!

obama, downtown phoenix

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” –  Second Amendment to The United State’s Constitution.

I am growing increasingly concerned with the mindset of certain Americans.  I can laugh off the “Birthers” that think President Obama was born outside of the United States making him ineligible to hold the office.  I can outright dismiss the “Deathers” who believe that healthcare reform will create death panels and euthanize grandma.  But what I can’t dismiss is the danger posed to both the President of the United States and the general public by these gun toting and wielding whack jobs.

For the record, I absolutely abhor guns.  There is only one purpose for a gun and that is to kill.  So know you can understand my uneasiness when I see angry people carrying loaded firearms and assault rifles on city streets.  In particular, anywhere President Obama happens to be at a town hall meeting or delivering a speech.  Just because you have the right to do something, doing it doesn’t necessarily mean that you are right in exercising said right.

Take the guy in the video for example, he’s marching (in other videos) up and down the street like he’s Glenn Ford in “High Noon.”  Yet, he refused to give his name to anyone trying to interview him.  In the interview he seems happy to just be able to parade his arsenal around while espousing right wing talking points.  It was also estimated that at least a dozen people attended the protest with loaded weapons.  Angry people carrying loaded weapons at healthcare protests are a recipe for a disaster.  We should all be thankful that violence did not break out.

Now my take on all this is that these Second Amendment pussies who feel that they have to walk around with guns are sexually inadequate.  The gun is their metaphor that projects manliness and power that they fail to achieve with their penises.  I am not a psychologist but I firmly believe that it is hard to be a man with a gun in your hand.

There is nothing wrong with owning a gun if you need to hunt to put food on your table.  There is nothing wrong with owning a gun in your home for self defense.  There is also nothing wrong in owning a gun if you want to go to the range and shoot at targets.  But when you bring a gun to a public rally or protest I believe you violate the intent of the Second Amendment.  Which in and of itself is the subject for another blog.

Sooner or later, we as a nation will have to address the Second Amendment.  I firmly believe that the Founding Fathers truly intended that this pertained solely to the militia or future armies, not so, that a few whack jobs could walk the streets projecting their false sense of power!

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more about “WTF2?“, posted with vodpod


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